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Nutrition on Hand, Before You Need it.

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Enteral Feeding

Enteral feeding is the delivery of a nutritional replacement product or formula directly into the gastrointestinal tract through a feeding tube.  Enteral feeding is used to nourish Patients that are unable to eat or drink properly, or that cannot receive enough nutrition orally.  A tube is either inserted down the nasal passage, or through the stomach wall to deliver the enteral formula directly into the stomach or small intestine.  Short-term enteral Patients are usually fed through nasogastric tubes (nasal), while long-term enteral Patients are normally fed through enterostomy tubes (through the stomach). 



Enteral Formula

Enteral formulas are configured to deliver a certain level of calories and nutrients.  There are many different types of formula depending on the Patient’s condition and nutritional needs.  Clinicians usually prescribe a branded product from a specific manufacturer.  The product has a formula that contains a specific mix of water, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and fat.  Manufacturer branded product formulas usually have an equivalent formula from a different manufacturer, delivering the same required nutrients.  It is likely that if insurance reimbursement does not cover a scripted brand, an alternative is available.


Enteral Pumps and Supplies

Feeding tubes are attached to a pump, syringe, or gravity bag to deliver the formula.  Pumps may be stationary or portable, which use rechargeable batteries for feedings outside the home.  Pumps can be set to deliver formula continuously or intermittently at a specific flow rate.  Alarms on pumps serve to warn of leaks or clogs in the system.  Some pumps have a dual flow feature, which allows for the delivery of both formula and water that is used for flushing and hydration.  Patients can also receive feeding and flushing from a large syringe, often called a bolus.  A gravity bag is used by hanging the formula in a bag on an IV pole to deliver flow at the gravitational rate.  Landmark handles all the accompanying supplies, such as feeding bags, replacement tubes, tube extension sets, enteral administration sets, dressing, flushing kits and IV poles.


At Landmark, we keep nutrients and supplies on hand and ready to be delivered from our local, climate-controlled office.  Our customers never have to worry about how long it takes to get an order from an out-of-state warehouse.  Our Enteral Specialists work to find the most cost-efficient formula for the Patient’s needs, and we proactively monitor formula inventory and supplies to keep the nutrition flowing.  We handle the entire order, including assessment, monitoring, and arranging for training and nursing services. 


We offer Nestle and Abbott branded formulas, although not all specific formulas are covered by insurance reimbursement.  If a specific formula is not covered by insurance reimbursement, then there usually is another formula that will serve the same nutritional needs. 


Our signature Landmark Level of Service means we will coordinate with our Patients and their clinicians to help achieve the best possible outcome from equipment and Enteral formula.  We are available 24 /7.


Click a Button Below for a Landmark Level of Service


Patients & Caregivers

Specialty Providers

 Set Up My Patient With Home Infusion or

Medical Equipment

Help Me With My Home Infusion Therapy or Medical Equipment 

Hospital Discharge

 Set Up My Patient With Home Infusion or

Medical Equipment

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Landmark provides Home Medical Equipment & Infusion Therapies directly to Patients in homes and facilities across North Texas, including IV drugs, equipment, supplies, nursing and administration services. 









We work with our Patients' Doctors to develop individual IV treatment plans that maximize the effectiveness of Home Infusion Therapy, and our staff is expert at orchestrating complex Infusion Therapies in the home.  


Our sterile medications and nutrition are prepared in USP-797 Cleanrooms under stringent requirements, compounded by highly trained Infusion Technicians, and supervised by experienced Clinical Infusion Pharmacists. 


We fully manage Patient orders from intake, through delivery, and all the way to the end of therapy.  Our signature Landmark Level of Service means we are available 24 / 7 to coordinate with our Patient & Referral Customers to help achieve the best possible outcome for their Plan of Care.  


Our four main Customers we serve: 

Infusion Therapies 

  • Anti-Infectives

  • Nutritional Support

  • Inotropic Agents

  • Clinical Care Management


Medical Equipment and Supplies

  • Infusion Pumps & IV Supplies 

  • Enteral Pumps & Formula

  • Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Pumps

  • Home Medical Equipment




  • the Patient receiving the Equipment or Infusion, and their Caregivers,

  • Prescribing Physicians, and their Clinical Staff,

  • Other Integrated Care Providers involved in managing the care of our Patients, and

  • Health Insurance Payers seeking quality homecare providers.

Landmark Healthcare, Inc. was formed in 1999 and has processed over 340 thousand orders for over 84 thousand Patients in North Texas (as of August 2020).  Our mission is to help discharge Patients to their homes on a timely basis, and provide ongoing home support for their Physician's plan of care.   We fully coordinate our orders with clinical referrals, home health, Patients, and Caregivers.  Our USP 797 sterile compounds are prepared under the supervision of experienced Clinical Pharmacists, and we set up medical equipment at the home or facility setting.  We provide full training and support for our products 24 / 7 / 365.  

Experience a

Landmark Level of Service

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Irving:             8200 Tristar Drive, Suite 120

                         Irving, Texas 75063





Pharmacy Phone:  (866) 388-3883

Medical Equipment Phone:  (877) 693-0007 

Fax:  (888) 249-3132

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Landmark Healthcare, Inc. has earned The Joint Commission's Gold Seal of Approval.


Copyright 2020 Landmark Healthcare, Inc.

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