We have recently set up a new way to pay your bill online through our website. This is one way to conveniently pay your bill from your computer or smartphone. To visit the link directly, please visit https://www.landmarkinfusion.com/pay-my-bill. You can also access this page by visiting landmarkinfusion.com under the Customer Resources tab there will be a Pay Your Bill tab. In addition to paying your bill over the phone, you can now pay online through the secure portal, "vcita". When filling out the short form to pay your bill, in the 'notes' and 'pay for' section, please include information such as the Patient's full name and date of birth. Please know that your credit card information remains secure and confidential.
After filling out the payment amount, name, and any other information about your bill, you will have the option to review the amount you are planning to pay and click the button, "proceed to payment". After proceeding to payment, it will pop up a new tab to complete the payment. It will ask for your email and allow you to review the purchase and complete the full payment information for your credit or debit card. After you double check that the payment information has been entered correctly, you can click the green button, 'place order'. After you place the order, you will be sent an automatic email that will provide a digital receipt of your payment information. Please keep this email as proof of your payment. If you have any questions, please call (877) 693-0007 and ask to speak with one of our billing specialists.